Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Bro's Camera

Today my bro will purchase the camera. I think DSC H5 or DSC H2. He was worried about getting the money yesterday since my Mom wouldn't give his savings. She said it was a nonsense to buy. Anyway, he will still pursue his dream. Today.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Camera Buy

Yesterday. my brother was planning to buy a camera. His decision tempts me to buy my own camera also. I was eyeing on Sony DSC-T50. I love ultrazoom cameras but not going to buy this time. I think ultrazoom cameras are not mature yet in specs. Will buy only if it has some features of DSLR like manual controls of focus and zooming. Let me decide later because I'm very busy today. As usual Tuesday, time to generate Non-Prime report.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Do I Find This Boring?

Saturday: 1) Watched 2 movies straight for 4 hours 2) Having a lunch with my most favorite fast food, KFC 3) Sex at night (lol)

Sunday: 1) Work whole day 2) Got a flat tire upon going home

This is life, two extremes!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Full of Laughs

Yesterday was quite a good day. We had a lunch meeting regarding innovation. Funny side comments on the ideas made us laugh the whole two hours.

The food was great. I don't know what are names but they taste good.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


I was late again at school, as usual. Justification? I was hooked up in our non-primes preparation for manager's 7:30 meeting. Even after 5:00 PM, I was still working like an ant. Our class starts at 6:oo PM.

At school, my teacher for Quantitative Analysis was my previous teacher for Business Policy. And of course, he is what he is for his famous line - "yung mga ganong concept".

As usual, familiar faces. It would be exciting if there's some one new on the block.

At 11 PM at home, I was still collating our innovative ideas from everybody at work. This is a directive from Dole Foods owner - David Murdoch, to think or create ideas that would be part of our next product line. Mine were 1) concentrate / puree for individual consumer since presently this is offered to industrial customer only. 2) Durian puree / concentrate in industrial/individual cosumer pack 3) De-calorified or de-sugarized existing packs for health buffs and diabetic people. Bow!! Hehehe.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Good Noon

Yesterday was my first day in class for 2nd semester. I don't quite like the teacher because of her voice - too squeaky and mouse like. Hahaha. We started our lesson immediately. As usual, there were assigning of reports. Duh!! Mine will be sometime January.

At work, I thought I could not reach the cut-off time for passing the report in the afternoon. There are just too many sidelines around but luckily, I did it! I'm glad today that my boss moved the presentation to Thursday so I could have enough time of preparing/submitting and reviewing in part of the recipients.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Busy Day Again?

Wheew!! I was literally running in the office this morning. The top management have a 7:30 meeting and I was tasked to prepare and collate the presentation on our part. I almost did not reach the cut-off time since the each section was not yet finish reviewing. It was a very tense moment. What would it be when I screw up? Scary! But luckily, I have posted it on time.

Yesterday was another ordinary day. I did the left-over projects, same stuff. I went overtime but I treat myself by having a small chat and dinner at a friend's house afterwards.

I slept early yesterday evening around 10:30 PM. I am sleepy these days.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Don't Feel Like

I'm feeling tired today. I don't feel like going work. I want to sleep, sleep and sleep. Anyway, I here now at office, working. Don't have much choice. I'm tired from yesterday's activity in Davao but still happy. Hope this day comes out good.

Everybody is talking about Manny Pacquaio's win yesterday. I'm kinda sick of it but still proud of him and what he has done for our country. :)

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning... I remember this song way back in 1997 when No Doubt was still popular, hehehe.

Today, there's not much chest pain anymore. I did some back stretching yesterday while on church (I'm an evil brat). The priest was so boring. And now the pain is almost gone.

I have to hurry up this morning. Davao is our destination and my sis' session will end today. Gotta do some electronics window shopping again. You know, wish gadgets that I hope I could land my hand with.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

What now!?!

Last time, I was a drowsy sloth. Now I have chest pains. What's happening to me? I woke up today with chest pains. I don't feel it on my heart but in the surrounding areas like muscles or bones I think. I guess this is related to my bad posture when I do office works. Sometimes, I just realize that I'm slouching already in the middle of my work. Gotta change how the way I work. Where and how do I start?? That's a problem.

Today is my sis' 6th chemotherapy session. My father drive them to hospital in Davaol. I haven't asked her yet about results of her BHCG. Hope she did well.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Drooping Eyelids

I don't know what's going on with my body these days. I feel so sleepy even if it's still 9 PM. I didn't experience drowsiness before as early as this. Usually, I'm still wide awake 12 AM. Let me see tonight if I still have the same reaction.

Last night, I was sickeningly full. We ate at an "Eat all you can" restaurant. I have to go home early because of my aching stomach. I felt so... bloated.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Not enrolled yet

I didn't get the enough fund yesterday for my enrollment so I was not able to enter the class. Anyway, I just stayed over my friend's house and watch TV.

I should be enrolled today, tomorrow is my third subject of the week.

Today, as usual, very busy. I try to relax by posting this, do some light surfing on the net during my break time and munching some crackers on the desk which is not allowed in our policy. Shhhh!! Hehehe.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hello World

I have a full eight-hour sleep last night. By around 9 PM my lids are drooping. I can't stare straight to the computer monitor. So I went to bed early. And why is that? I don't know. Maybe my body is now claiming what it should deserve before -- enough sleep.

Adding to that, I have a hard day yesterday. Non-stop work. I was not able to take my lunch. My wants went numb and cold of typing the reports. Maybe my chair and table is not ergonomically designed. :)

Also, yesterday was our first class but I was not able to attend because it was raining hard and the school is 25 kms far. Suppose to be I should be able to finish my enrollment yesterday.

Well today is another day. Gotta finish my enrollment and finish some projects.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Lone Wanderer

The past two days I was in Davao again. I have to drive my sister to the hospital. The treatment will last until Monday but I went home Sunday because I have a work Monday.

I was alone wandering in Davao. I don't know why. In the past I was comfortable wandering around alone but now it seems that I'm uneasy with it. Anyway, overall, it was just average day - uncommon day but nothing special about how I felt during the two-day stay in Davao. I hope my sister will be soon cured.

Today, I'm in General Santos finishing my enrollment. My class will start tomorrow. I have to do better this time since last sem was a disaster. I have so many requirements that I did not pass.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Busy busy

I have nothing to write because I'm super busy today.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What a sleep

Last night was unusual, I think that was my earliest sleep for a very long time. I went to bed at around 10 PM. Wow!

I have skipped a lot of days in my blog. I always forgot to post in the office or home. And guess what!, I remember it now. LOL.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

All Saints and All Souls Day

Last last night, the atmosphere was like a holiday because the following day is All Saints Day. I went overtime to finish some stuff at office. I was invited by my friend to have a good time at another friends house. I stayed there until 9:30 PM.

Yesterday is a holiday so I stayed in bed until 9 AM. It feels good to wake very late. Hehehe. The environment was quite festive, I don't know why.

Later, I checked some chicken potato salad recipe in the net. I gave the print-out to my brother who's going to Gensan to buy some food for the occassion. I went to work in the afternoon.

At evening, we have a table full of food. All my favorites are there. Yuumm. I know what's going to happen next. This morning, I have an upset stomach (hyperacid). Well, I just have to minimize my intake for several days, hoping sugar and cholesterol will be ok.